The Blag Club was not what I was expecting. I've played at places called the Something Wonderful Club or similar before, and they are not really "clubs" at all, but just a name for a particular booker's night at a pub or venue. But the Blag Club really is a private club! The first clue I got was when I walked past the entrance completely as it was a small nondescript door next to Rymans in Notting Hill Gate. The next clue (and this was kinda the clincher) was the big sign on this door that said Private Member's Club. There was a buzzer, that I duly rang and in turn was duly buzzed in.
It was a super little place actually. Everyone was very friendly and the stage (though small) had a proper monitor and the PA was clear and loud. They operate a system whereby they decide what order the acts play on the night by how many people they get through the door by 9pm. This is all fine and dandy, but of course quite hard to tell people who are eating up the road what time they should arrive by in order to hear my set. I plumped for 8.45 to be on the safe side and then revised to 9.00 when I realised that that was the earliest I would actually be playing.
I ended up in the middle of three excellent acts (Laura & Cornelia were the others), which meant I didn't actually play 'til about 9.40. The set went well, and included a number of firsts: 1) A brand new song 2) My first use of the tambourine (played with my foot) on stage 3) New jeans (H&M - £39) 4) A new haircut (Strandz - £15). Now you don't often get that many premieres for £4!
Here is the set (with links to the songs on my website, so you can click and play the set for yourselves at home):
I Need Your Love
When The Snow Fell In Denver
The End Of The World pt 1 (this recording is just a demo)
The Fool I Am
I just want to add a BIG, BIG THANK YOU to all those who came down and made the evening really fun, most especially Peachy, Alex, Adrian, Tudor and Chris.
I can't wait for the next gig now, see you there!!
P.S. The free CD offer still holds... just drop me a line.
P.P.S. I forgot take any pictures of the venue (oops), so instead I've uploaded a picture of my loft being lagged.
My STUPID Mungral Postman is a twat!!!!!!
I JUST found your parcel in my front yard under a tree ffs!!!
God knows how long it has been there!!
I'm so lucky it wasn't stolen!!!
But anyway THANKYOU!!!!
I shall have a good listen to it tommorrow (when my head is not in a bucket ffs) xx
Giggle!: You and delivery men just don't get on?! You should set Rat Girl on him...
Glad it's in your hands finally though. Happy listening!
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