There is a lot of pain around in life: the pain of loss, of separation, of illness. But can there be times when pain is a good thing? It warns us of problems, reminds us we are alive and some people enjoy the way it can mingle deliciously with pleasure. Some people mistake pain for love. Chastisement for devotion. All I know is that it is necessary, sometimes healthy and mildy addictive.
Am I a pain junky?
No idea, but here is a song wot I wrote about it.
A Song About Pain
Another lover packs their boxes
And moves away from the lies
But there are no lies in the tears in my eyes
as I ask myself if I am to blame
'Cos it's not like I know any better
And it's not like I'll ever change
I just keep on making the same mistakes,
So maybe I just like the pain
Maybe I just want the pain.
So there I am just lying
Alone on my bedroom floor
Another vodka or wine will hurt me just fine
But you know that I still want more
'Cos it's not like I know any better
And it's not like I'll ever change
I just keep on making the same mistakes,
So maybe I just like the pain,
Maybe I just want the pain!
You give me pleasure and you give me pain,
Over and over and over again.
I need the torture and I need the fear,
'Cos it's not torture if I volunteer
'Cos it's not like I know any better
And it's not like I'll ever change
I just keep on making the same mistakes,
So maybe I just like the pain
Maybe I just want the pain.
'Cos it's not like I know any better
And it's not like I have any shame
I just keep on making the same mistakes,
So maybe I just like the pain
maybe I just want the pain
maybe I just love the pain
(D. Callow 2009)
Oh, and you can hear how it sounds right here:
A Song About Pain - MP3
It's dedicated to all my friends in Blog world and real life, who like to invite a little pain into their lives from time to time - you know who you are.
P.S. I love the picture on this post taken by the excellent Kris Gruber. I will send a signed CD of this song and a few others to whoever can get closest to guessing where it was taken. Nearest guess (as measured on Google Earth) wins.
The photo is just gorgeous, no chance I could ever guess where it was taken. Your song is so good Daren, loved it. I just read an exquisite little book about the pain of love: http://anaspiereviews.blogspot.com/2009/03/oven-house-by-lynne-rees.html
I think you would appreciate the emssage in this book.
DJ Kirkby: Thank you for your comments. You are now currently in the lead for a signed CD - if no one else makes a guess, it's yours!
Will check out the book, I have to be a little careful with what I read for fear of emotional overload, ha ha.
Please let me know where you'd like me to post/paypal the money from the Shrek Rap CD!!
It was taken in the grounds of a church!!
I also loved your song.
Heres a hug for your pain.
Casdok: Thanks for your kind thoughts.
I have to say that's not much of a guess either... there is even a pretty big clue in the shape of a London bus to the right of the picture!!
Anyone else gonna try their luck?
I love the picture but have no idea where it was taken other than outside.
I want this song though. It's incredible!
Well I have to say the guesses were poor (ha ha) - but thanks for the nice comments anyway. Am re-recording song as I've changed the lyrics - so anyone who would like a free copy - send me your delivery address to music @ darencallow . co . uk (without spaces) and I'll post some time next week when the recording is finished.
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