This is the last time I'll mention this, as I'm not hugely into doing on-line talent competitions. But please do sign up as a fan on the Orange Unsigned site and vote for me as often as you can spare the time... here are the official instructions:
Hello everyone.
It is with great pleasure we can announce that Orange unsignedAct
is now open for voting!
You can vote up to three times per day (one vote per act) – so
logon to www.orangeunsignedact.co.uk now and give your favourite
acts the chance to win one of the 25 spots at the auditions and
the much sought after prize, thanks to Channel 4, Orange and
Sony Ericsson.
Remember, you can only vote if you're logged in as a fan, so if
you aren't one already – go to the site and sign up now.
You can vote each and every day until September 14th – so keep
coming back to the site and support the music you love.
Thousands of talented artists are relying on you – be the best fan
ever and make a massive impact – get voting now and be a part of
music's future!
Hopefully you'll help bring my tunes to the attention of the judges, but I realise that it's all a bit arbitrary (ie those acts with hordes of internet-savvy fans will do best) - but hey, I'm in it, and I want to win it!!! So I really do need your love!!
Thank You so much to those that have voted and will vote!
Off to play at Lesstival today, the festival where less is definitely less.
Lots more gigs coming up, check them out here.
I've voted and I think you should keep that link up as you need to be very persistent to find you going through the alphabet in the way it is posted on the site! Leave the link up!
Sweetie, done!
But as DJ said, you've got to remind me!
Post everyday saying 'Don't forget to vote for me Trixie!' lol.
Seriously, do it, I'll vote, and so will others.
You can wipe those posts afterwards! lol
Voting Voting Voting! :-D xx
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