You know you've really arrived in the Blog world (and the world in general) - when you are featured in a RAT GiRL comic strip!! It was a total surprise and it's really made my day. Do check it out here:
The Adventures of RAT GiRL
Thank you sooo much Giggle!
Btw, the free sampler CD offer is on-going... and I'm just about to upgrade it to version II (mostly the same stuff, but with a new version of Lightkeeper, the live part of Denver, and a new "secret" track)... so if you'd like a copy winging its way to your mailbox (anywhere in the world) just email me a postal address to music @ darencallow . co . uk (remove the spaces) - and it shall be yours!! I can't guarantee choccies though, but if you write something nice about me, who knows...)
Speaking of famous, last night was 15 Minute Club @ The Living Room in Islington. I have to say it was another excellent night, those 15 Minute people put on a quite excellent show. All the acts were very good indeed, which made me quite nervous to be there, if you want to check them out here are some links:
Lisa Theunissen - the beautiful host of the evening, very powerful voice and songs.
Luke Jackson - yes he really is 14!! I was very impressed, he has a great voice and plays with total confidence. A real star in the making, and his dad (Paul) was lovely too.
Belinda Oakley - arrived late so had to go on without much preparation - didn't show though. She both looks and sounds beautiful - captivating!
Daren Callow - I hear he's really good (and well dressed) - but I missed his set as I was otherwise engaged. (ha ha)
Kirsten Thien & Galia Arad - two sassy chicks from NYC, they nearly didn't make it as one of them forgot that you might need your passport to get into the UK... they are heading to Ireland now.
There was also Lawrence and another chap on piano, but I didn't write his name down... sorry!
The evening ended with us all jamming on Oooo Take Another Little Bit Of My Heart Now Baby... (really) and then I ended up chatting to a chap called Karl who used to roadie for Culture Club and Depeche Mode (amongst others)... he has a tape somewhere on top of his wardrobe of the very first time that Sade played as Sade.
Phew. No wonder my head hurts this morning.
P.S. Please vote for me: http://orangeunsignedact.co.uk/acts/daren-callow
I've signed up and will vote for you later once I've confirmed my registration. Please see my comment on your previous post. More MPG clips please.
Hey! I look great on your blog!!:-P
Well you've sure earnt my vote!
;-) xx
Will vote! Yep, it's a privilege to be in an episode of rat girl!
DJ Kirkby: Thank you so much for all your support... I'll happily come further south and play a gig sometime... feel free to suggest a venue!
Giggle!: Yeah, lookin' good! Thanks for your support too!!
Trixie: Welcome back... yeah, it was a totally surprise and really made my day!! Hey it's made my whole year!!!
You know you've made it big time when you're featured in Rat Girl's adventures! lol Way to go!!
I just love Giggle, she's hilarious.
Thanks for stopping by! Congrats on the "feature."
Rhea: Yeah, she runs two excellent Blogs and has great taste in music - ha ha.
Krystyn: Thanks!
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