I've had a companion (well actually, in best Only Fools And Horses tradition I've actually had three of them... the first gave up the ghost after I dropped it in some girl's loo [a whole other story], and the second was stolen or went awol in a Clapham bar) on my travels and adventures over the last two years, that I'm finally saying goodbye to. It's been more than just a companion though, it's been my phone, my mp3 player and, most importantly, my camera. All the pictures (baring one or two) in this Blog were taken by me using my wonderful Sony Ericsson W800.
I have a brand new W880i now, but it can never be quite the same. The very best thing about the W800 was that you just had to turn it on it's side, open the proper camera-style shutter, and press the camera-style big silver button to take a pic. Okay, it wasn't overly compatible with my Mac, but I did manage to get Calender and Address Book info on there (easily), and copy MP3s from iTunes (rather frustratingly hard). The facility to download pictures often failed and recently it took to switching itself off at every opportunity, including mid-phonecall.
But all the same I'll miss it. Take a flick back through earlier posts to see some of the places we've been and the pictures we took.
P.S. I've decided to recycle my phone in aid of charity, if you have phones lying around I suggest you do the same.
Last year I changed from Nokia to a Sony Ericsson K600. I have hated it. I cant send sms jokes to other people's email. And it has an unbelieveably small memory with no card slot so, altho it is an MP3 player, you can only get about 3 songs on it. The only good thing about it was that it had a good radio that I could listen to by earphones when I work. My contract is almost up. Would you recommend this 880i over the equivalent Nokia?
Well, I've no knowledge of Nokia's... I've only had two phones (three now) and the first was a Motorola Timeport!!
Certainly the W series Sony Ericssons have great MP3 players, and you'll have no problem loading them if you have a PC... Mac is harder, but doable. And the 2Mp camera is excellent (see pics on this Blog) and by all accounts the 3.2Mp camera is one of the best you can get on a phone. The W880i is ultra slim and has fiddley buttons, so unless you like fiddly, I'd go for on of the others in the range with bigger buttons.
I think perhaps Nokias are better phones, but without the good gizmos, but no idea really. Peachy might know. Dxxx
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