I'm off to Edinburgh today, to provide technical support to my friend Charlotte Young and her show TWINLESS. The show deals with the sudden death of her twin sister and comedy partner Emily, and features a specially produced video and a raffle (with big prizes). My role is to make sure you can hear the sound and turn lights on and off and stuff... oh and sell t-shirts... something I have a fair amount of experience of. Since I'm very closely involved in the show I'm sure that you'd expect me to say it's very good and you should come and see it, so I won't. Instead I'll just mention that my bestest mate (m) James thought it was THE BEST THING HE'D EVER SEEN, EVER, and he's totally unbiased.
Anyway, here's some details of when and where you can see it in Edinburgh. It's free to get in, 10p per ticket for the raffle and the t-shirts are a mere £7. It runs from 25th - 29th August and starts at 23:00. See you there!!
It's not the first time I've ever been involved in a show on the Edinburgh Fringe. On August 21st 1994 I played in a bar called Negociants with my then band - Air. Rather bonkersly we decided to drive there, do the gig, and then drive back home (to Harrow) all in the space of a day. Somehow we survived without crashing the van, but I have no idea how. This time I'm going by Easyjet.
After I return from Edinburgh, I have just one day at home before flying to LA. I'm going to meet my bestest mate (f) Peachy there for a tour of the vineyards of California and such like. I'm sure it will be very civilised and we won't get drunk at all. Not even once.
After this mad-cap road trip I'm back in the UK with just a few days to prepare for the festival of the year. Yes indeed it's the return of Frogstock, bigger and bolder than ever. It's on Saturday 12th September and features the usual mix of music, comedy, performance art, ale, badgers and, almost certainly, more ale. It's in a pub this time, which indicates to me that there will probably be more ale than normal. Although that may be technically impossible.
More info here:
I'll try and keep you all updated from the festival, best wishes to you all.
P.S. You can find the rest of my gigs here:
P.P.S. Do also check out my friend Daniel Lehan's Blog from Finland:
http://greetingsfromfinland.blogspot.com/ I'm performing with Daniel at the Nunhead Festival on the 19th September.
You're going to see Peach? How cool! Enjoy. That show Twinless sounds good and sort of sad... I have never heard of Frogstock going to follow the link now. x
DJ Kirkby: Yes, I will see Peach & H when I'm in LA. Looking forward to it. The Twinless show is certainly good, and funny... sad, maybe, but it would depend on your take on how it's presented.
Frogstock is a noble Norfolk institution, but if you're not from round there, you're unlikely to have come across it... definitely recommended.
It's always with regret that I read all about what you're doing and know I can't come to see.
Someday ....
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