A new venue last night - Leonards in Farringdon - two stages one with a heavy rock band or two and one with the "acoustic" acts - almost a festival vibe. I was just glad that the Prodigy didn't come on in the big tent while I was playing!
First up was Tiger Lily, who played well and had some interesting songs. Then it was Tony (My Sweet Idiom? Not sure that's right, see pic). Truly lovely guy with a distinct voice and a great sounding Epiphone Firebird, but very depressing songs!! Then it was Charlie Savigar who has a great voice and some catchy tunes, good guitar player too.
After that it was Mr. Limbic And The Whole Damn System who comprised a laptop, funky guitarist and bassist and a chap singing, making funny noises and playing percussion. Interesting mix that somehow managed to be very slightly less than the sum of it's parts, but hats off for being different and playing well. Actually having said that, everyone played well, so hats off all round.
Finally, at 10pm, it was my turn, and despite being pretty tired I think I did well. I even managed to squeeze in 6 songs (All I Want is You, I Need Your Love, Tomorrow, Vulnerable, Lightkeeper and Do You Want To Dance?). I was heartened by a couple of people saying my set was strong, including a guy that said he saw a lot of live music.
So a pretty good night you would think, well what was missing from this picture?
Ah, an audience maybe?! Well you can't win them all.
P.S. Many thanks to James and Alex for coming down, all the other acts for sticking around to hear my set (thank you, thank you) and Simon for doing the sound superbly.
Ahhh, well, if I was anywhere near there, I'd have been in the audience! One day hopefully!
like the new look doooooodie doo xxx
VVV: You're welcome anytime.
P: Thanks Peeeeeeeeeeechy Pants.
I always wonder how new bands get started, acquire a fanbase. Do you have to advertise and do you have to hire these venues or do they advertise the event and pay the artists appearing based on the takings?
HMC: Well it's all about how many people you can pull... no one bothers to advertise anything much these days, there is no "in built" audience at any gig so it's about cajoling your friends and family and bullying them to come down. It's rare that an amateur act ever gets any money... perhaps if you bring 10 or 15 people you might make £5 or £10.
Back in the day when we could pull 50 - 100 people to a gig, we used to put on our own nights... rent the hall and take any profit. These days if 3 people turn up I call it a result.
Ho hum.
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